Mix of Lilly and Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 150
Bouquet of lily
Dhs. 145
Small Dutch Flower Bouquet
Dhs. 95
Pink Lily Flower Bouquet
Dhs. 185
Pink Flower Basket Arrangement
Dhs. 325
Phalaenopsis and Lillie's In Vase
Dhs. 550
White Roses and Lillie's In Vase
Dhs. 185
Pink Gerebera and Roses In Vase
Dhs. 395
Orchid Arrangement In Glass Vase
Dhs. 550
Yellow and White Flower Arrangement
Dhs. 550
Luxury Flower Arrangement In Vase
Dhs. 550
Pink Roses and Lily in box
Dhs. 350
Peony Rose and Lilly Bouquet
Dhs. 350
Lisianthus and Pink Lily Bouquet
Dhs. 180
Pink Lily and Spray Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 285