Surprise your special someone with a bouquet from Flower Street...
Small Carnation and Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 70
Red Roses In Vase With Teddy
Dhs. 235
Elegant Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 90
Red Rose Bouquet With Cellophane
Dhs. 75
Purple aAnd White Flower Bouquet
Dhs. 150
Red Rose Bouquet With Chocolates
Dhs. 235
24 Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 245
Box of Premium Red Roses
Dhs. 650
Box of Lavish pink
Dhs. 650
Box of Purple Roses
Dhs. 650
Box of Melody
Dhs. 650
Small Flower Bouquet
Dhs. 175
Love affair - Roses Designer Bouquet
Dhs. 485
Dozen of Red Roses With Eucalyptus
Dhs. 225
Red Rose And Dahlia Flower Bouquet
Dhs. 450
Phalaenopsis and Lillie's In Vase
Dhs. 550
Red and Pink Roses In Vase
Dhs. 245
Red Roses In vase
Dhs. 265
Red Roses And Eucalyptus In Vase
Dhs. 275
Exotic spray Rose in Box
Dhs. 450
Medium Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 130
Dark Purple Lisianthus Bouquet
Dhs. 195
Pink Lily and Spray Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 285
Pink Roses and Carnation Bouquet
Dhs. 250
Red Rose Bouquet With Baby's Breath
Dhs. 450
12 Red Rose Bouquet With Eucalyptus
Dhs. 160
Red Rose With Baby's Breath Bouquet
Dhs. 165
12 Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 135
Red and Dark Pink Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 200
10 Stem Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 130
Roses in Long Box
Dhs. 190
Round Red Rose Bouquet
Dhs. 180
200 Premium Red Rose Arrangement In Vase
Dhs. 2,100
Roses & Chocolate - Heart shape
Dhs. 500
Pink Rose Heart Arrangement
Dhs. 380